UPC-Utrecht Prostate Cohort...
The aim of "Utrecht Prostate Cohort for cancer treatment intervention studies and long term evaluation"(UPC) is to: (1) develop an ongoing observational database with short- and long-term clinical and patient-reported outcomes during and after treatm...
General Design
- Cohort type
Clinical cohort, Registry
- Design
- Design description
Multicenter, prospective longitudinal cohort
- Collection type
- Start/End year
2020 - ongoing
- Design paper
- The first patient-reported outcomes from the Utrecht Prostate Cohort (UPC): the first platform facilitating ‘trials within cohorts’ (TwiCs) for the evaluation of interventions for prostate cancer
- Countries
Netherlands (the)
- Number of participants
- Population age groups
Adult (18+ years)
- Main medical condition
- II Neoplasms
- C00-C97 Malignant neoplasms
- C00-C75 Malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue
- C60-C63 Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs
- C61 Malignant neoplasm of prostate
- Inclusion criteria
- Age group inclusion criterion
- Defined population inclusion criterion
- dr. J.R.N. (Jochem) van der Voort van Zypj.r.n.vandervoortvanzyp@umcutrecht.nl
- T.A. (Tariq) Lalmahomedt.a.lalmahomed-2@umcutrecht.nl
Additional organisations
- St. Antonius Hospital
Available Data & Samples
Data categories
- Medical records
- Survey data
Areas of information
- Medication and supplements
- Medication and supplement intake
- Other and unspecified pharmacological interventions
- Chemotherapy interventions
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Radiotherapy interventions
- Surgical interventions
- Socio-demographic and economic characteristics
- Age/birthdate
- Sex/gender
- Lifestyle and behaviours
- Tobacco
- Perception of health, quality of life, development and functional limitations
- Perception of health
- Quality of life
- Symptoms and signs
- Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen (R10-R19)
- Symptoms and signs involving the urinary system (R30-R39)
- Symptoms and signs involving cognition, perception, emotional state and behaviour (R40-R46)
- General symptoms and signs (R50-R69)
- Physical measures and assessments
- Other physical measures and assessments
- Laboratory measures
- Biochemistry
List of subcohorts or subpopulations for this resource...
Name | Description | Number of participants |
Collection events
List of collection events defined for this resource...
Name | Description | Participants | Start end year |
List of networks in which this cohort is involved...
Access conditions
Data requests can be made to the study team....
- Data access conditions
- health or medical or biomedical research
- disease specific research
- Data use conditions
- research specific restrictions
- Release type
- Continuous
- Release description
Datasets can be exported on demand
Funding & Acknowledgements
- Funding
This research is partially funded by a grant from ZonMw IMDI/LSH-TKI (project number104006004) and partially funded by the UMC Utrecht and St. Antonius Ziekenhuis Nieuwegein-Utrecht.